Down from yesterday again. I am thinking of modifying my plan a bit. Maybe not weighing every day. I don't know how that will work though, it seems to make me more aware of what I have or haven't done when I weigh every day... but sometimes it gets me down when the weight hasn't come off like I think it should. Just pondering that...
I have had a great "show of faith" given to me by an old schoolmate, who is now a Facebook friend and loyal blog follower. She is involved with the ViSalus Company and has offered me a "test drive" of the shakes to see if I can and want to take them. Her and I are both hoping that this might be the motivation I need to get back on track. I am supposed to meet with a friend of hers on Friday afternoon to get my "test drive." I am pretty excited.
I know this is part of my problem. I have not given up, just lost the momentum. But I see how little I have lost (at least I think so) and how much I could have lost in all this time, and all the weight I have to lose to reach my goal. It's so easy to focus on the negative... why is that?!?
We have ball practice tonight. My husband's back is feeling much better. I am planning on helping with practice as much as possible, he is still healing! I am also hoping to be able to walk for a bit while my older son is practicing, so I can get some movement in! My knee was kinda feeling funny again last night. I have not been diligent on taking my glucosamine medicine, so I started taking those again, and hopefully walking will get it better.
I do want to start that class next week. That's on Tuesdays. I would love to get back into the Zumba class, but with my husband hurt, that might be a bit of a stretch, as baseball and Zumba are on the same night. But actual games start soon, and most of those are not on a Wednesday. So, there's hope!
I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!