Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 58-280.6 pounds

Down a bit again from yesterday.  Very excited that I made it past a weekend without gaining what I had lost back!  Found a new weight loss tracker that I am really diggin'!!  It is called "myfitnesspal" and I can track not only my own weight loss and food, but my friends as well!  I am already part of the accountability circle with my trainer, but this is so much easier!!!  And exciting, you can comment on others progress or lack thereof, to offer support and such!  I am so glad I found that!  I already have several friends on my list, what a great support!

I am really missing the gym.  I am kinda scared to get back to it now, I have not been since Wednesday of last week.  The gym is gonna kick my butt, I am sure.  I do have some things to do this evening again, and things that have to get done.  But I am going to do my best to get there!  My husband is having some issues with his knees and his shoulder was hurting the other day, but he has missed the gym as much as I have, so his body is feeling that.  I am not feeling bad, but I can tell I haven't been there in awhile!  I guess I need to do this:


 I am sure my butt would be thoroughly kicked after she got done with it.  She is such a hardass.  But, times like these I need someone to tell me to get my butt in there, and just do it!  It's not like I am making excuses for not being there.  I really have had other stuff to do, that had to be done.  But there is no excuse for not going Friday, Saturday or Sunday of this past week.  I had nothing to do....and that's what I did!  

It amazes me that I have kept going down.  I am not going to take advantage of it.  I have been eating pretty good, watching portions and all that.  I guess I can only have the motivation to do one thing at a time.  I am motivated with this weight loss, but now can't motivate myself with my recipes, or my coupons, or my housework for that matter.  It's not that I am too tired to do it.  It's just that I don't feel like it.  I would rather take my "down time" as just that.  I don't want to go through coupons while I am sitting there resting.  I am sure I will get around to it, but right now, I guess it's not a priority.

This is kinda short today, a little pressed on time.  Hope everyone is having a marvelous day.  And if you are in the Missouri area, hope you are enjoying the 70 degree temps today!  It is a gorgeous day!


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